Blake A. Hutsell, PhD
Perception/valuation, decision-making, and reward; drug addiction; quantitative modeling
Fax: 252-328-6283
Rawl 317
104 Rawl Building
Department of Psychology
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
Education and post-graduate training
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Virginia Commonwealth University, Pharmacology Department, School of Medicine (2013-2016)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Auburn University, Psychology Department (2010-2013)
- PhD, Experimental Psychology, Southern Illinois University (2009)
- MS, Experimental Psychology Psychology, Southern Illinois University (2008)
- BS, Psychology, Arkansas State University (2003)
Research Interests
Dr. Hutsell’s research interests are in the areas of decision-making and neuroeconomics. Specifically, he is interested in the environmental and neurobiological processes underlying reward valuation and how this relates to the pathology of impulse control problems and other disorders of choice.
Selected publications in peer refereed journals
Hutsell, B. A., Negus, S. S., & Banks, M. L. (2015). A generalized matching law analysis of cocaine vs. food choice in rhesus monkeys: Effects of candidate agonist medications on sensitivity to reinforcement. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 146, 52-60.
Banks, M. L., Hutsell, B. A., Schwienteck, K. L., & Negus, S. S. (2015). Use of Preclinical Drug Vs. Food Choice Procedures to Evaluate Candidate Medications for Cocaine Addiction. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry, 2(2), 136-150.
Pope, D. A., Newland, M. C., & Hutsell, B. A. (2015). Delay-specific stimuli and genotype interact to determine temporal discounting in a rapid-acquisition procedure. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 103(3), 450-471.
Kolanos, R., Partilla, J., Baumann, M, Hutsell, B, Banks, M., Negus, S., Glennon, R. (2015). Stereoselective actions of methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) to inhibit dopamine and norepinephrine transporters and facilitate intracranial selfstimulation in rats. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 20, 6(5), 771-777.