Training & Facilities

For current and prospective students in the Ph.D. Health Psychology Program at ECU, the PASS Clinic is a Training Center providing state-of-the-art training and supervision in psychological assessment and the provision of evidence-based behavioral health treatment services. Special conditions surrounding the training function of the clinic (e.g., confidentiality within supervision structure, research options, protocols and limitations) are explained to patients at the time of initial consultation. All services are provided under the supervision of a licensed NC psychologist. Medical records are maintained on a secure Electronic Health Record (EHR) system.
Co-located within the psychology department, the physical structure of the PASS Clinic consists of a large waiting room and secretarial station, five individual or family consultation rooms, with child playroom and testing areas, as well as a large group therapy or conference room. All consultation rooms are equipped with standard observational technology, and the conference room is wired for computer media presentations. In addition, there are computer work stations and several office areas for clinician use.
The clinic and department maintain a large inventory of testing and assessment measures. The clinic also has a growing reference library and an excellent collection of empirically-supported treatment manuals/protocols. Computerized administration and scoring is available for frequently used psychological tests. Library searches using Psych INFO and medical databases can be conducted on site.