Jennifer L. Bowler, PhD

Director, Industrial/Organizational Psychology Program 252-328-6474
Fax: 252-328-6283
Rawl 320
104 Rawl Building
Department of Psychology
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
Willing to consider mentoring a new Master’s or doctoral student in 2020-21
- PhD, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, The University of Tennessee
- MS, Experimental Psychology, College of William & Mary
- BS, Psychology, Duke University
Research Interests
My program of research concerns the nature and the assessment of personality. Within this overarching domain I am pursuing three interrelated research streams: 1) assessing personality via the development and validation of implicit (i.e., conditional reasoning) measures of specific personality constructs (e.g., addiction proneness, creativity), 2) examining the implications of compulsive and/or counterproductive behavior on workplace behavior and other life domains, and 3) investigating the influence of cognitive complexity on a variety of perceptual processes.
Selected publications in peer refereed journals
Bowler, J. L., & Bowler, M. C. (2014). Evaluating the fakability of a conditional reasoning test of addiction proneness. International Journal of Psychology, 49, 415-419.
Bowler, J. L., Bowler, M. C., & Cope, J. G. (2013). Measurement issues associated with conditional reasoning tests: An examination of faking. Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 459-464.
Bowler, M. C., Bowler, J. L., & Cope, J. G. (2012). Further evidence of the impact of cognitive complexity on the five-factor model. Social Behavior and Personality, 40, 1083-1098.
Bowler, J. L., Bowler, M. C., & James, L. R. (2011). The cognitive underpinnings of addiction. Substance Use &Misuse, 46, 1060-1071.
Bowler, M. C., Woehr, D. J., Bowler, J. L., Wuensch, K. L, & McIntyre, M. D. (2011). The impact of interpersonal aggression on performance attributions. Group & Organization Management, 36, 427-465.
Bowler, M. C., Woehr, D. J., Rentsch, J. R., & Bowler, J. L. (2010). The impact of aggressive individuals on team training. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 88-94.
Bowler, M. C., Bowler, J. L., & Phillips, B. C. (2009). The Big-5 ± 2? The impact of cognitive complexity on the factor structure of the five factor model. Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 979-984.
James, L. R., McIntyre, M. D., Glisson, C. A., Bowler, J. L., & Mitchell, T. R. (2004). The conditional reasoning measurement system for aggression: An overview. Human Performance, 17, 271-295.