Jean A. Golden, PhD

Behavioral analytic approach to childhood disorders and school-based mental health; parent, teacher and staff training in functional assessment and behavioral intervention
Fax: 252-328-6283
Rawl 226
104 Rawl Building
Department of Psychology
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
- PhD, Florida State University
- MS, Florida State University
- BA, State University of New York, Genesco
Research Interests
The overriding theme of my research has been my fervor for applied behavior analysis (ABA) and the application of behavior management techniques to provide effective interventions with a variety of populations in various arenas. This focus on applied behavior analysis has led to collaboration with colleagues and students in my own discipline and colleagues and students from other disciplines (i.e., Exercise and Health Promotion, Special Education, Pediatric Psychology, and Physiological Psychology) as well as other countries (i.e., Norway). For many years, the primary focus of my research has been to use applied behavior analysis with individuals who have been diagnosed with a variety of disorders (Autism, profound mental retardation, language delays, etc.). More recently, my research has emphasized the unique contribution that applied behavior analysis can make to the assessment and treatment of disorders that have not typically been studied by behavior analysts (Reactive Attachment Disorders, psychiatric disorders, etc.). .
Selected publications in peer refereed journals
Gouvousis, A., Heilmann, J., Golden, J. Hough, M. S. Kalinowski, J., & Hudson, S. (in press). Examining the attitudes and physiological responses preservice learners have towards children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Page, L. O. & Golden, J. A., (2009). Functional behavioral assessment as a model for multidisciplinary assessment and treatment. Journal of Child Health Care, 13, 347-360.
Golden, J.A. (2009). The etiology and treatment of significant societal problems: Behaviorists diving into murky waters with strangers. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 5, 1-11.
Farmer, R.F. & Golden, J.A. (2009). The forms and functions of impulsive actions: Implications for behavioral assessment and therapy. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 5, 12-30.
Sheaffer, B.L., Golden, J.A & Averett, P. (2009). Facial expression recognition deficits and faulty learning: Implications for theoretical models and clinical applications. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 5, 31-55.